
Struggling To Manage Summer Sale Crowds? Here’s How SoftPoS Can Help

Source: Finance Derivative

By Brad Hyett, CEO of phos

June and July are the busiest months of the year for retailers. With summer sales everywhere, a substantial increase in footfall is inevitable. Last year, the number of high street shoppers in July was up by 1.6% on previous years, and despite the cost of living crisis, sales have continued to rise through the first months of 2024. As such, business owners are expecting to see a surge in sales-hungry customers during peak season unlike any other.

While an increase in shoppers translates to more sales, they also contribute to longer queues, frustrated customers, and overall unpleasant shopping experiences. Businesses need a solution that can reduce wait times and improve in-person shopping experiences.

This is where software point-of-sale (SoftPoS) technology comes into its own. Picture a scenario where a mere smartphone or tablet holds the power to become a payment terminal. Traditionally, merchants were required to invest in expensive hardware (chip and pin machines) that create a barrier for small businesses looking to embrace digital payments. Enter SoftPoS: an innovation that demolishes these barriers by leveraging the devices already in our hands.

Preparation for volatility

The nature of the retail sector is that traffic is inconsistent. Every retailer goes through busy seasons and lulls. Resources – both technical and human – are deployed based on average patronage. While this is a perfectly viable strategy, it fails during sales and holidays, when unexpectedly large crowds turn up at the store. This disproportionate increase in visitor flow overwhelms the infrastructure that, for the majority of the year, is sufficient in managing crowds.

Studies have found that large crowds at the checkout not only lead to a rise in consumer discomfort but also reduce instances of impulse buying, ultimately impacting overall revenue and profit. This in turn impacts customer loyalty and the likelihood of customers returning for repeat business.

All of these pain points emphasise the need for additional support at the checkout during summer and other holiday periods. Companies need SoftPoS solutions for their cost saving benefits and ability to absorb the extra load during busy periods. The technology’s seamless integration in retail environments makes it extremely scalable, meaning that the supply can ebb and flow with the density of crowds.

Minimising the risk of theft

The increased foot traffic during summer sales periods can also present heightened security concerns for retailers. Traditional point-of-sale systems, while effective for standard transactions, may struggle to maintain adequate oversight during peak times. This can lead to an increase in shoplifting incidents.

SoftPoS offers a solution by facilitating staff-assisted transactions throughout the store. By leveraging mobile devices as payment terminals, retailers can empower employees to process purchases wherever a customer might be. This real-time monitoring of transactions deters potential theft and safeguards against discrepancies in pricing and the use of fraudulent payment methods by malicious actors.

Implementation of SoftPoS in in-store environments also allows for a more immediate response to suspicious activity. With employees no longer confined to stationary positions at tills, there is a more consistent staff presence across shop floors, with the increased visibility and vigilance of staff members deterring shoplifters from attempting to steal items.

Queue-busting and crowd-management

SoftPoS makes it possible for businesses to reduce crowds at the busiest moments, and makes it so that customers don’t need to stand in long queues at the tills. Since adopting SoftPoS is easy and virtually cost-free after implementation, the technology helps retailers optimise their resources and stops them from investing in costly additional hardware that sits idle for most of the year.

However, the benefits of SoftPoS extend beyond simply reducing wait times. The flexibility of the technology allows retailers to strategically deploy staff throughout the store during peak periods. This can be particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas or near popular sale items. By having staff readily available to process purchases with mobile devices, retailers can effectively manage sudden surges in customer flow and prevent bottlenecks from forming.

SoftPoS is an efficient solution for any business looking to effectively manage sudden increases in crowds brought about by sales and busy periods, without requiring any significant investment. By training their staff to act as mobile points of sale when needed and implementing some simple redistribution throughout the rest of the year, retailers can effectively manage crowds while maintaining their in-store experience.

It’s a revolution that offers benefits for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small business looking to streamline operations or a large retailer aiming to cut hidden costs, SoftPoS is the path to a secure, seamless, and, most importantly, profitable future.

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