
Embracing the dawn of ethical Generative AI

by Hana Rizvić, Head of AI at Intellias

As we mark one year since the introduction of ChatGPT, it’s a good time to consider what might come next. The generative AI ‘poster child’, ChatGPT has become the most widely used AI tool, responding to millions of user queries per day. What’s more, it has attracted huge levels of investment and recently occupied the mainstream news headlines following the sacking and reinstatement of its CEO.

People across the world have had their first real experience of a Large Language Model (LLM) by using ChatGPT, the technology has already been banned in many education settings and has also helped fuel the debate about how AI technologies can and should be regulated. The recent Global AI Safety Summit, for example, brought together over 100 leaders from government, industry and academia in an effort to generate some consensus on matters including AI safety and testing. Similarly, the upcoming EU AI Act looks set to play a pivotal role in the future GenAI landscape, setting a common regulatory and legal framework. Its aim is to “make sure that AI systems used in the EU are safe, transparent, traceable, non-discriminatory and environmentally friendly. AI systems should be overseen by people, rather than by automation, to prevent harmful outcomes.”
Slated to come into effect in 2024-25, it also introduces an 18-month transition period for organisations to adjust, reminiscent of the GDPR’s implementation and overall marks a significant step towards ensuring that AI advancements are balanced with the need for fairness, accountability, and transparency.

Welcome ethical GenAI

We are entering a critical phase where innovation will be more closely aligned with ethical considerations. The impact of AI is already evident in various aspects of life, pointing to a future where, ideally, its use is not only widespread but also guided by principled decision-making. In this context, the emphasis will be on using AI to address appropriate problems, not just any problem.

In particular, the early iterations of GenAI platforms have demonstrated their potential but also the need for careful application. In many organisations, GenAI has already improved both customer and employee experiences, with advanced chatbots capable of mimicking human interaction taking automated customer service to a whole new level by providing quick and relevant responses. In an ideal world, this use case highlights AI’s dual purpose: to enhance human capabilities while maintaining a focus on human-centred experiences.

However, organisations need to ensure that the deployment of AI is done efficiently, with ethicality, accuracy, and bias in mind. During the transition to AI, organisations must ensure they are putting to bed any concerns of job displacement as many fear its effect on the human workforce. It is vital to ensure employees understand the place that AI will have in their organisation. Ultimately, it needs to be reiterated that the technology will enhance human positions, not replace them, and that it will create new job opportunities and provide routes to transform existing career paths.

Dig a little deeper, and it’s clear that a diverse range of sectors, including everything from healthcare and marketing to finance and entertainment, are poised for significant levels of innovation as the adoption of AI accelerates. The next phase of development and implementation is expected to deliver a range of strategic breakthroughs, from increased efficiency, improved decision-making and the greater use of automation – the challenge lies in ensuring these developments are ethical and beneficial for all.

The Inclusive and collaborative path ahead
Looking further ahead, AI has tremendous potential to bridge the current skills gap, especially when combined with strategic investment and education. Ultimately, the aim should be to develop inclusive, ethical AI systems that serve the broader society, including marginalised groups. In an era where AI has the potential to impact every conceivable field of industry, commerce and broader society, international cooperation is essential. Ensuring that AI’s development and implementation are regulated, ethical, and inclusive is crucial to protect the best interests of humanity.

As we navigate this evolving AI landscape, our collective focus should be on responsibly utilising AI’s capabilities, ensuring it enhances rather than replaces human endeavour while adhering to the highest ethical standards. The future of AI, full of potential, requires a thoughtful and collaborative approach to fully realise its potential in the long term.

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